About the Author

Who is Robyn
Robyn Braley is committed to helping Rotarians grow their clubs to become better equipped to help people who need help. He has led two club teams that were awarded RI PR Awards and served as the District 5360 PR Chair. He has been a Rotarian since 1999.

Rotary Speaker
Robyn draws from his experience as a Rotarian and as a Communications Professional to share ways to more effectively tell the Rotary story to your community. He starts by asking the questions, "Is your club ready to grow, and why does it matter?" The ultimate focus is on attracting new members.

He is available to speak at District Conferences and Rotary leadership training institutes. Content also applies to other not-for-profit organizations.

Free Content for #Rotary and NFP Use
Please use any posts for Rotary District or club Newsletters. Include the profile at the bottom of each article, Robyn's headshot and a link to this blogsite. Let him know and he'll promote it to his social media followers.

Contact him at robyn@unimarkcreative.com

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Part 4: Field Trips Play an Important Role in Rotary Program Scheduling

Let your imagination go wild. Why not?
 Written by Robyn T. Braley 

Field trips can play an important role in a club schedule. They provide an opportunity to “experience it firsthand” rather than just hearing about it from a speaker in a meeting.

As leaders, Rotarians are well versed about many aspects of their communities. Field trips to manufacturing plants, public infrastructural facilities, agricultural facilities, human service organizations, food processing plants or other destinations can provide background and understanding about important things you would not gain through a speaker or video alone.

Touring a not-for-profit center that has requested funding support can help to clarify their need. Visiting a drop-in shelter or food bank can be deeply disturbing and provide first-hand knowledge about the issues they face.

Field Trip Purpose

  • To gain insight and knowledge
  • To experience processes and procedures
  • To provide unique fellowship opportunities

Field Trips require hours of work to organize, promote and stage. If you have 3-4 per year, that is a lot. As a rule of thumb, if there is no value in visiting a site other than hearing a good presentation, then book the program for your club.