About the Author

Who is Robyn
Robyn Braley is committed to helping Rotarians grow their clubs to become better equipped to help people who need help. He has led two club teams that were awarded RI PR Awards and served as the District 5360 PR Chair. He has been a Rotarian since 1999.

Rotary Speaker
Robyn draws from his experience as a Rotarian and as a Communications Professional to share ways to more effectively tell the Rotary story to your community. He starts by asking the questions, "Is your club ready to grow, and why does it matter?" The ultimate focus is on attracting new members.

He is available to speak at District Conferences and Rotary leadership training institutes. Content also applies to other not-for-profit organizations.

Free Content for #Rotary and NFP Use
Please use any posts for Rotary District or club Newsletters. Include the profile at the bottom of each article, Robyn's headshot and a link to this blogsite. Let him know and he'll promote it to his social media followers.

Contact him at robyn@unimarkcreative.com

Tuesday 29 November 2016

How to Attract the Kind of Media Attention You Really Want! 9 Info Packed Posts!

Attracting Traditional and
Social Media Coverage

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Attracting media coverage for your Rotary club's story requires ... well ... errr ... ummm ... a great story! I can't be any more direct than that.

Once you have the story, you must know how to package and pitch it.

Following are 9 posts that will help you attract mainstream and social media coverage. More than that, these practices, protocols and insider secrets may even help you increase the media coverage of your story or event. 

If you are experienced working with media, you may want to cherry pick posts according to interest. However, if you are a media newby, reading the posts in the order they are listed will help you create a successful media plan for your story. 
The purpose of a release is to capture the attention of media editors, producers, journalists and bloggers. You have seconds to do it. But, there is more! It must also accommodate online distribution. More
Identify More Than One Story Angle and Increase Media Coverage

It’s about the angle. Every day the Media is inundated by story possibilities. You need unique, unusual and creative ideas to cut through the clutter. More
Why do you need a media kit? To answer this question, let me ask another. “How do you tell the story of Rotary on single page?” The short answer is, you can’t. A media kit separates key information into digestible chunks that can be scanned in a few seconds. More
In April, 2014, we used traditional and digital media to let the world know that Alberta Rotarians had triggered $2.1 million dollars in funding for polio eradication. Our District 5360 Conference was used to stage an event which produced world-wide circulation. More
Successful media campaigns don't just happen. They are well planned and executed. I have outlined 6 ways to receive media exposure you may not have thought about. More

There are different names for it. Pitching the story. Selling the story. Placing the story or getting media coverage! Whatever you call it, you need a quality media contact list. More

Today your club may be presenting a Citizen of the Year Award to a community leader. It is 15 minutes before the start time. You see the first media pulling up in their news cruisers and satellite trucks. What do you do now? More

If radio, TV or newspapers run a story about your project or event, it will quickly be posted online and promoted through their social media channels. Launching your own social media campaign will increase your exposure even further. More

News stories can be impacted by how you treat the media who cover your story. No media is too big or too small to cover your story. Treat them all with respect as they are a conduit to your audience. More

Robyn Braley is a brand specialist, keynote speaker and writer. He is also a Rotarian who is passionate about Building the Rotary Brand. He has led two teams that received the Rotary International PR Award. He has also served as the PR Chair for District 5360. Robyn has placed hundreds of traditional and new media stories about Rotary and other organizations. 

Contact Robyn

Email: robyn@robyntbraley.com   Connect on LinkedIn Follow on Twitter: @rtbraley_rotary 

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